
Meet the dedicated team of Evoca healthcare professionals

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Dr. Frances Pengelly


Rouse Hill Town Medical & Dental Centre - Rouse Hill

Dr. Frances Pengelly studied medicine at UNSW, graduating with honors. Early in her residency, she realised that becoming a general practitioner would allow her to balance her career with family life. Wanting to be an old-fashioned family doctor who could deliver babies and care for entire generations, she moved to the country to gain skills in obstetrics and emergency medicine. There, she became a vital part of a community where she provided comprehensive care to families. Dr. Pengelly is now committed to continuing this work in Sydney, guiding her patients through every stage of their health journey.

Having seen women in rural areas face various physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges while caring for their families and communities, Dr. Pengelly believes that when women are in good health, it benefits everyone. As a daughter, mother, sister, and friend, she is passionate about contributing to this ideal as a women’s general practitioner.

Dr. Pengelly resides in The Hills Shire with her husband and their four young children. She volunteers as a treasurer at a local playgroup and attends church with her family on Sundays. Life is busy with a large extended family, but whenever she has a moment, you’ll find her enjoying a good book or two.

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Achievements in Women’s Health

  • Dr. Frances Pengelly has, on several occasions in NSW, been the only obstetric doctor in town, ensuring that rural maternity units remained open so women could give birth in their local communities. She has also had women travel from other towns to seek her advice on health issues they felt uncomfortable discussing with their local doctors.

Special areas of interest

  • IUD insertions & removals
  • Implanon insertions & removals
  • Pelvic Pain & Period Management
  • Pregnancy Planning and Fertility
  • Antenatal
  • Post Natal
  • Sexual health
  • Cervical screening
  • Menopause
  • Women’s Health Check
  • Iron Infusions
  • Weight Management
  • Lactation Support
  • Women’s Mental Health
  • Incontinence & Prolapse


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Rouse Hill - Dr Frances Pengelly Evoca_400px
Dr. Frances Pengelly

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Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
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