- Many studies on HRT which have been published in the last decade highlight the potential risks of undergoing such a therapy, particularly around the incidence of breast cancer. However, recent evidence demonstrates that the risk of breast cancer from hormonal therapy is small, and in many cases the benefits of using therapy outweigh the risks.
- There is little or no change in the background risk of breast cancer if estrogen only hormonal therapy is used. This is used in women who no longer have a uterus and therefore do not require additional progesterone therapy.
- Combined hormonal therapy (estrogen and progesterone) can be associated with a small increase in breast cancer risk, though this increase in risk is also related to how long hormonal therapy is used, and the risk reduces when hormonal therapy use is ceased.
- Hormonal therapy should be discussed with your doctor and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that an appropriate dosing and regime is used.
1 Reference: https://www.menopause.org.au/images/factsheets/What_is_MHT_and_is_it_safe_V7.pdf