Is it true that I shouldn’t have sex until “cleared” at my postnatal check?

It’s normal to not feel like having intercourse in the immediate weeks after birth regardless of how you have delivered. All women should feel ready and comfortable for intercourse before they resume sexual activity. Contraception is an important consideration at this time, regardless of whether you are breast feeding or not, as breast feeding does not offer full contraceptive cover.

When can I return to exercise?1

Recovery from pregnancy can take a varied length of time depending on the circumstances of the pregnancy and delivery. Gentle exercise, such as walking, is encouraged in the early postnatal period if you feel up to it, as it can improve your mental health as well as physical wellbeing. However, rushing to the gym to rapidly lose the baby weight gained during pregnancy is not recommended. It takes tome for the body to go back to its pre-pregnancy state after delivery, as the many physiological functions slowly transition according to feeding choices and then beyond.


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How long must I wait before I can drive after a caesarean?2

Generally it is recommended that you wait 4-6 weeks before driving after a caesarean section operation. This is because the surgery and the wound can leave you less able to perform an emergency stop efficiently and comfortably. Following a check-up, and provided that there are no other medical conditions which would make you unfit to drive, you should be able to resume driving.


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