Up to 50% of couples will take 6 months to conceive naturally1, so it’s worth remembering that half will actually take longer than this. Patience and persistence is key, while also being aware of limiting factors such as age or co-existing medical conditions which may make it harder for fall pregnant
1. 80-90% of couples will fall pregnant within one year of trying. The rest will take longer or require some help to conceive.
Reference: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/getting-pregnant
AMH is commonly misunderstood. AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) is a hormone released by ovarian follicles (potential eggs). As such it can be used as an indicator of egg count but is not absolute in this regard. Furthermore, it doesn’t tell us the quality or calibre of the eggs released and as such only gives one part of the story. Additionally, multiple factors contribute to overall fertility, so while AMH measurement is very useful, there are many components which make up your fertility picture.
1 Reference: https://www.ivf.com.au/planning-for-pregnancy/female-fertility/ovarian-reserve-amh-test
Egg freezing was once an option out of reach for many women, and often isolated for use in women post chemotherapy, or who have other medical conditions or receive treatment which may affect fertility. Now, egg freezing is more accessible and more affordable, and thus is an option to women who may want children in the future, but not be in a position to start trying to conceive. Critically, age at the time of egg collection for freezing is important. We know that egg quality declines with age, and studies have shown us that optimal egg thawing for fertility treatment occurs with eggs retrieved from women under the age of 35 years old. 1
1 Reference: https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/trying-for-pregnancy-after-35#fertility