Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain

We are proud to be one of 20 clinics nationally to be recognised by the Federal Government to provide expert, multi-disciplinary services and care for pelvic pain and women with endometriosis.

The clinic aims at providing, early access to intervention, care, treatment options, and referral services for endometriosis and pelvic pain.

Book an Appointment

Endometriosis is a complex and debilitating chronic condition that can be hard to diagnose, with those suffering waiting an average of 7 years before diagnosis. In Australia it affects at least one in nine girls, women and those assigned female at birth.

Women commonly experience pain with menstruation, however, for some this pain can encroach on their activities of daily life and extend into days and weeks without menstruation. In some cases, the perseverance of pain throughout the menstrual cycle, can cause symptoms beyond pelvic pain such as fatigue, nausea and pain in other areas of the body. At Evoca, we are committed to ensuring all women presenting with pelvic pain symptoms are thoroughly assessed and investigated and supported in treatment and recovery.

Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic Services

At Evoca, to achieve this, we have established a care schedule that serves as a guiding framework that enables you and your Evoca doctor and nurses, to work together to achieve holistic, and optimal health outcomes in this space.

Throughout your journey, alongside checking in with your Evpca doctor or nurse, we will use self-assessment tools and clinical surveys to monitor your progress and assess the impact of treatments initiated.

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Patient Journey

Before Visit- Complete the symtoms survey online

Visit 1

Assessment with doctor & initiation of Investigations

Visit 2

Review results & discuss treatment plan

Visit 3

Nurse review of symptom survey & GP management plan *

Visit 4

Review with doctor to assess progress & mental health plan *

Visit 5

Review with nurse & implement retain plan

Visit 6

Doctor review of treatment plan & MHCP review

Visit 7

Nurse review of GP management plan & goals

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Epping Plaza - Darren So_400px
Dr Darren So

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
Graduating from Melbourne University in 200...
Rouse Hill- Dr James Brown_400px
Dr James Brown


Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Completing his medical degree and specialis...
Rouse Hill - Rosaleen Jacob_400px
Dr Rosaleen Jacob

General Practitioner

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Having completed her medical degree and gai...
Dr Sudhish Sudhan

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
During his internship in Kerala State in In...
Rouse Hill - Dr Frances Pengelly Evoca_400px
Dr. Frances Pengelly

General Practitioner

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Dr. Frances Pengelly studied medicine at UN...
Dr. Jin Gao

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
Dr. Jin Gao is a compassionate and dedicate...
Dr. Vidya Prabhu

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
With more than 12 years’ experience as a ...
BONDI_EVOCA_Hannah Topp_Physio_400
Hannah Topp


Women’s health

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Originally growing up in Queensland, Hannah...
Vino Buntting

Registered Nurse

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Vino Buntting is a highly qualified healthcare professional, holding certif...

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Rouse Hill- Dr James Brown_400px
Dr James Brown


Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Completing his medical degree and specialis...
Rouse Hill - Rosaleen Jacob_400px
Dr Rosaleen Jacob

General Practitioner

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Having completed her medical degree and gai...
Rouse Hill - Dr Frances Pengelly Evoca_400px
Dr. Frances Pengelly

General Practitioner

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Dr. Frances Pengelly studied medicine at UN...
BONDI_EVOCA_Hannah Topp_Physio_400
Hannah Topp


Women’s health

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Originally growing up in Queensland, Hannah...
Vino Buntting

Registered Nurse

Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
Vino Buntting is a highly qualified healthcare professional, holding certif...

Not Found

Not Found

Epping Plaza - Darren So_400px
Dr Darren So

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
Graduating from Melbourne University in 200...
Dr Sudhish Sudhan

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
During his internship in Kerala State in In...
Dr. Jin Gao

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
Dr. Jin Gao is a compassionate and dedicate...
Dr. Vidya Prabhu

General Practitioner

Epping Plaza, VIC 3076
With more than 12 years’ experience as a ...

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