Fertility Assessment & Pregnancy Planning
At your initial appointment, your Evoca doctor will complete a full review of your medical history and lifestyle habits, discuss fertility options available to you and refer you for tests to help assess your fertility.
A female’s fertility assessment involves reviewing your menstrual cycle, conducting an STI check, a pelvic scan to check for ovarian follicle count and a check of hormones including the AMH. These tests are completed over a few weeks.
In men, the fertility assessment involves hormone tests, an STI check, semen analysis and a review of past medical history and lifestyle habits.
Your doctor will also discuss genetic carrier screening tests, should you wish to complete them.
You will have a follow up appointment with your doctor to discuss the results of the tests conducted. Further testing may be arranged, if required, based on the preliminary findings.
Onward referral to The Fertility Clinic or an alternative fertility pathway will be discussed with you and arranged as necessary
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