Dr Zulaiha Ghazaly

Dr. Zulaiha hails from Sri Lanka and pursued her postgraduate training in New Zealand before settling in Australia. With a background in internal medicine and experience as a medical registrar in Auckland, she transitioned into family medicine.

In her medical practice, Dr. Zulaiha specializes as a General Practitioner with Special Interest (GPSI) in women’s health. She is deeply committed to providing patient-centered care to promote overall well-being. As a member of the Australian Menopausal Society (AMS) and the International Menopausal Society (IMS), she has a keen focus on long-acting contraception methods such as IUDs, IUSs, and implants, as well as menopausal health.

Outside of medicine, Dr. Zulaiha is passionate about teaching and has served as a medical educator for the RNZCGP. During her leisure time, she indulges in singing, baking, and cherishing moments with her family.

Dr Amy Subramaniam

Dr Amy’s journey in healthcare began when she moved to the Philippines as a teenager to complete her high school education. From there, Dr Amy pursued medical studies in India before moving to Malaysia to practice as a physician. During her government sector internship in Malaysia, Dr Amy was trained in antenatal care and women’s health which is where her passion for helping women began.

Continuing her learning and development, Dr Amy trained in clinical dermatology in Malaysia and Thailand, completed her fellowship in nutritional medicine in India in 2017, and completed her fellowship with the RACGP before beginning her journey as a GP in Australia.

Having recently relocated from Malaysia to Australia to pursue her passion for healthcare, Dr Amy brings a decade of experience as a GP and a former business owner, contributing to her practice and patients holistically.

Outside of medicine, Dr Amy finds immense joy in cooking for two teenagers and indulges in her love for tennis whenever possible.

Dr Regina Cabuang

Completing her degree in 1999 in the Philippines, Dr Regina did basic paediatric training in Philippine General Hospital from 2005 and then from 2008 worked in private practice in paediatrics.

Migrating to New Zealand in 2008, Dr Regina worked as a Resident Medical Officer on the Auckland District Health Board, before completing her Fellowship with the RNZCGP.

Although having completed training and working within paediatrics and skin cancer, Dr Regina has developed a special interest in helping women with their health concerns. Dr Regina says that one third of her patients are women and they all say that no one would listen to them, so she feels proud to be able to offer an empathetic ear.

Dr Sheila Manmathan

Dr. Sheila Manmathan graduated from St. Bartholomew’s, University of London in 2010. After practicing in NSW for 10 years, she returned to the UK to complete her specialist training. During her career, she has been actively involved in teaching, serving as a GP tutor for medical students and tutoring allied health professionals. Currently, she works as a clinical tutor and examiner for Monash Medical School, contributing to the training of future doctors.

Her primary focus is on health prevention and advocating for her patients’ best interests, ensuring they play an active and informed role in managing their health conditions. Dr. Sheila recently returned to Australia with her husband and two children, who occupy most of her spare time.

She believes that women’s health is often underserved and that early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for women. Dr. Sheila is passionate about advocating for women to have a greater understanding of their health and to seek help without suffering in silence. She takes a holistic approach, addressing both physical and mental concerns.

As women juggle multiple roles in life, their self-care and awareness of their healthcare needs can be overlooked. Dr. Sheila ensures that her patients prioritize their health, even amid other responsibilities. She understands the various challenges women face throughout their lives and brings both her personal experience and medical knowledge into each consultation.

Dr. Sheila aims to empower her patients to feel in control of their health decisions, ultimately having a positive impact on their well-being.

Dr Cindy Sun

Dr. Cindy graduated from Monash University in 2011 and undertook her internship at Peninsula Health. She then worked in obstetrics and gynaecology for the next 5 years, at Eastern Health, The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, and later at the John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, before returning to Melbourne to pursue a career as a general practitioner.

During this time, she also obtained a diploma in women’s health and participated in pregnancy shared care with Monash Health.

She believes women’s health is underserved and that early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life of women.

Outside of medicine, Dr. Cindy enjoys shopping, traveling, reading, and gardening.

Dr Tania Altaf

Dr Tania Altaf is a part-time GP who enjoys traveling and reading books. Balancing her professional and personal life is crucial to her, especially with a family of young children.

Upon arriving in Australia, Dr Tania Altaf had to complete her exams before securing a job. She began her career in a small QLD hospital, later transitioning to a larger hospital. Eventually, she found her passion in general practice and has been practicing as a GP since 2018, completing her Final exam in 2022. Dr Tania Altaf is currently based in ACT.

Women everywhere prioritise the needs of others over their own, often neglecting their physical and mental well-being. As a woman herself, Dr Tania Altaf strives to empower her patients to prioritise self-care.

Understanding the challenges of accessing specialist appointments promptly, Dr Tania Altaf is committed to providing efficient and affordable services to women in need.

Dr Swati Sharma

After obtaining her medical degree from Mahe (Manipal Academy of Higher Education) in 2001, Dr Swati began worked in Emergency Departments and General Practice.

Continuing her studies, Dr Swati obtained a Diploma in Anaesthesia before moving to Australia in 2008 and completing her AMC certification and Fellowship with the RACGP, all whilst working in General Practice.
Since 2009, Dr Swati has been working and enjoying all aspects of general practice, with a special interest in women’s health.

Funnily enough, Dr Swati’s husband is also a GP and works at the centre too – she says that so far, working together is going well ?. This dynamic husband and wife GP duo also share two high school aged children who keep them busy!

Outside of medicine, Dr Swati enjoys gardening, attending regular yoga classes, cooking Indian food and travelling. For two years, Dr Swati also did Jazz dancing, which she thoroughly enjoyed!

Dr Sanda Bonchis

Graduating in Romania in 1990, Dr Sanda trained and qualified as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology. After working in various hospitals in Romania and passing her AMC exam, Dr Sanda moved to Brisbane in 1998 and started working at the Mater Hospital and Logan Hospital.

Due to a change in family circumstances, Dr Sanda changed her career path to general practice, becoming a Fellow of the RACGP and Diplomate of Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Dr Sanda has now been a been a general practitioner in Springfield for over 21 years!

A loving wife and mother of two adult sons, Dr Sanda says that her youngest son, who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, is the reason she developed a passion for being an advocate for people with disability. Keen to learn as much as she can about people with neurodiversity and other disabilities, Dr Sanda wants to help people with disabilities achieve their potential and support them with their health.   <

Outside of medicine, Dr Sana enjoys travelling and treats cooking as a hobby.

Dr Sumera Angus

A dedicated women’s health advocate, Dr Sumera has over 13 years of experience as a physician. Graduating from Imperial College London in 2010, Dr Sumera made the move to Australia in 2023.

With a keen interest in sexual and reproductive health, Dr Sumera has completed her Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Having collaborated with the health tech industry, Dr Sumera has enhanced accessibility, driven the development and successful launch of pioneering women’s health products.  

Passionate about supporting women, Dr Sumera has offered insightful commentary on major media platforms as a vocal advocate.

Dr Shoma Chowdhury

Completing her MBBS degree in 2003 in Bangladesh, Dr Shoma went on to train in gynaecology and obstetrics in a maternity hospital and then in a children’s hospital, before settling as a GP.

Moving to Australia in 2013, Dr Shoma completed her Diploma in Child Health from the University of Sydney, before beginning work in rural South Australia. After moving to regional Victoria in 2017, Dr Shoma finally settled in metro Victoria.

Although she enjoys all aspects of general practice, Dr Shoma particularly likes to have a holistic approach and to provide continuity of care.

Outside of medicine, Dr Shoma lives with her husband and daughter, enjoys all aspects of cooking and baking, loves to travel, and listen to music.