Dr Garry McInerney

Having been a doctor for over 40 years, Dr Garry brings a wealth of experience to family & general medicine. He is known for his intent listening skills and is always eager to fully understand his patient’s perspective.

Now in his 60s, Dr Garry and his wonderful wife have been married for 42 years and have two beautiful daughters. Outside of medicine, Dr Garry’s interest include travel, gardening, and sport.


Dr Alicia Altson

Beginning her studies at Melbourne University, Dr Alicia worked hospital medicine for three years and then started work in general practice in 2013.

Thriving in general practice, Dr Alicia enjoys that it gives her the opportunity to develop long term therapeutic relationships with her patients. Getting to know her patients and their families enables Dr Alicia to provide care that suits their individual circumstances and needs.

During her years in general practice, Dr Alicia has grown her own family and now has 4 busy little boys aging from 3 years to 11 years old. Being a mum takes up most of Dr Alicia’s time that is not spent at work. The weekends at Dr Alicia’s house revolve around community sport, family and friends. A guilty pleasure of Dr Alicia’s is when she gets to enjoy early mornings and time to herself so she can exercise and listen to an audiobook.


Dr Sue-Ann Steer

Initially completing her MBBS medical degree at Monash University, Dr sue-Ann went on to also qualify as a nutritionist with a Master of Nutrition from Deakin University. Having now practiced as a doctor in Bayside Melbourne for over 25 years, Dr Sue-Ann has always been passionate about preventative health and wellness in women.

Outside of medicine, Dr Sue-Ann enjoys being outdoors in nature, Pilates and good literature.


Dr Vecerka Skovrlj

Originally graduating from the University of Zagreb in Croatia, Dr. Skovrlj moved to Australia and has been a doctor on the Northern Beaches for over 15 years.

She has a special interest in Women’s Health and Children’s Health.


Dr Mark Green

An experienced GP who qualified from Liverpool University in the UK, Dr. Green is passionate about providing quality health care across all age ranges. Known to be a good listener, Dr Green. always has the patients’ needs at the heart of his consultation.

Outside of medicine, Dr. Green lives locally on the beaches and loves the outdoors. Dr Green stays active by walking, running, and playing team sports.


Dr Richard Sacks

Although born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dr. Sacks grew up and spent most of his life in London before moving to Sydney in 2017.

After first completing an undergraduate degree in psychology, Dr. Sacks qualified as a doctor at the University of Southampton in the UK in 1996. Rotating through a number of medical and surgical specialties at the prestigious St. Mary’s hospital in London, Dr. Sacks then moved into general practice. Founding his own private family medical practice in central London, Dr. Sacks worked there for over 12 years before moving to Australia.

Outside of medicine, Dr. Sacks is married and has twin teenage children. They all very much enjoy the outdoor life in Australia and are very passionate about travel.


Dr Yliana Dennett

An experienced doctor who has been practicing for over 15 years, Dr. Dennett is passionate about women’s health.

Although she enjoys all aspects of family general practice, Dr. Dennett has special interests in women’s health, sexual health, mental health, and travel medicine.

Dr. Dennett is registered for shared antenatal care and is also skilled in performing IUD and Implanon insertions.


Dr Aseel Marioud

A Fellow of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners since 2018, Dr Aseel also has a Diploma of Surgical Anatomy from Otago University and particularly enjoys the areas of skin, cosmetics, women’s health, and refugee medicine.

Known for being a very caring GP, Dr Aseel is passionate about supporting her patients and local community.


Dr Jessica Murphy

Graduating from University of Manchester in 2011, then qualifying as a GP in 2017, Dr Jessica remained in the UK working for a year before emigrating to Australia in 2018.

With a special interest in women’s health, Dr Jessica is affiliated for antenatal shared care with Royal Hospital for Women, RPA and St. George hospitals.

Outside of medicine, Dr Jessica enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, swimming and learning Spanish.


Dr Myra Kamene Mpungu

A worldly woman, Dy Myra grew up in Mombasa, Kenya, went on to study in India and South Africa, then lived in South Africa before moving to New Zealand and eventually settling here in Australia.

Outside of medicine, Dr Myra enjoys spending time with her husband, 3 children and 3 grandchildren, as well as gardening, reading, designing and sewing.